
Generation Flex – Maximizing Residence Halls for Today’s and Tomorrow’s Students

by Paul Wuennenberg

Article appeared in March + April 2022 issue of ACUHO-I’s Talking Stick
Once higher education made it through the 1970s and its era of large, quickly constructed, and (relatively) inexpensive residence halls, the challenge has been to try to stay one step ahead of the trends and anticipate student needs. This has only become more true as the world becomes more consumer-oriented and more information about those consumers is made available to decision-makers. One such example has been the analysis and application of generational traits. Ask most any campus administrator, and they likely can rattle off the generally accepted traits of Generation Z – those people born between 1997 and 2012. They will point out how they differ from their slightly older peers, the Millennials, in terms of lifestyle preferences and unique needs in student housing. Gen Z (or Zoomers as they are commonly called) is the most digitally engaged group of students to date, as they have never known life before this kind of technology. They are also the most diverse and well informed, knowing exactly how to get the information they need to make decisions.

Read the complete article – https://ts.acuho-i.org/march_2022/generation_flex.html