
Black History Month Employee Recognition

by Rebecca DeZeeuw

Black History Month is a time when people recognize and celebrate the contributions that African Americans have made to the country. Lawrence Group is honoring this important month by highlighting the achievements of our employees.

Kiera Ferguson, Design Professional

What does Black History Month mean to you?

It’s a month for us to highlight and place a real emphasis on an often-overlooked community. It gives us the opportunity to reflect on history and help to build up the community in the present time by supporting those making a difference in our world today.

Your favorite quote:

“Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.” – Roger Crawford

Who is architect/interior designer that you look up to? Why?

Frank Gehyr – he truly thinks outside the box when working on his projects. They are more than just buildings they are pieces of art.. which is what he wanted. When designing his building he’s always thinking how to make people want to visit and enjoy in hopes of improving the quality of one’s life.

Why did you choose to go into the design field?

I always knew I wanted to do something in the creative field, expressing myself through art has always been a passion of mine. I find it very intriguing how the slightest elements can truly have an impact on someone and how that impact can vary in so many ways from one person to another. I’ve wanted to create unique and innovative spaces that help to expand and bring communities together.

What legacy do you hope to leave for the next generation of designers?  

I hope to leave a legacy that inspires them to further push the boundaries of design.


Lorenzo Savage, Senior Associate, Design Professional

What does Black History Month mean to you?

Black History Month is one month a year all people get to appreciate some of the contributions African Americans have made in the building of this county, despite being shut out of most economic and social gains afforded to others.

Your favorite quote:

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Who is architect/interior designer that you look up to? Why?

Eero Saarinen is one architect I look up to. His designs are clean and timeless. He worked on projects such as the Gateway Arch, one of my inspirations.

Why did you choose to go into the design field?

I have a natural love of art/drawing. I was also encouraged by my teachers.

Career Highlights

I have enjoyed being a mentor to young designers/activists and being a leader in my community.


Tyra Duren, Director of Talent Development

What does Black History Month mean to you?

Black History for me is remembering the ones who paved the way for me while making sure I help pave the way for someone else.

Your favorite quote:

“To be young, gifted, and black, Oh what a lovely precious dream.” – Weldon J. Irvine, Jr.

Who is someone in your career that you look up to? Why?

I have multiple career mentors, I primarily look up to women who don’t take no for answer and aren’t afraid to “shake the table.”

Why did you choose to go into talent development?

I have an innate purpose for helping people create spaces for themselves that they may not even know exist. I enjoy seeing and helping people reach their full potential while addressing any barriers that may keep them from reaching their goals.

What legacy do you hope to leave for the next generation of leaders?

To try even if you fail. It’s better to fail than to not try at all and wonder…”what if?”